The Shark Team has developed this series to communicate the basic tenets, methods, and terminology of the Shark Investing method. Shark Investors seek to capitalize on their unique advantages as small, individual investors by using their ability to move quickly to take advantage of opportunities in the market while maintaining the protection of their capital as their number one priority.
We have developed Shark School in three separate stages.
In the first section, we cover the following topics: basic charts, moving averages, and the common Shark language. In the second section, we build on the topics we have already covered to discuss some of the specific patterns we look for in charts as we seek out our tasty profits. Finally, we bring it all together in the third section to review how the methods used in Shark Investing come together as a cohesive money management system.
Stage 1 - Tools of the investing Shark:
Moving Averages
Stage 2 – Different Patterns:
Fundamental Research
Stage 3 – Portfolio Management: The Key to Success
The Power of Selling
Partial Buys and Partial Sales
Common Shark Language